Monday, July 26, 2010

Scootin' around

Off to the gym

Look at me posting three times in one month! Yao and I bought a scooter, my idea for a second car, about six months ago and I keep forgetting to take a picture and post it. We bought it back in March when I thought a warm spring was right around the corner. Ask my friends at work how that worked out for me. I came drenched to work more than once. But now it's warm and it is tons of fun to get around town.


Nelson Family said...

Davis thinks your "motorcycle" is pretty cool. He said he wants you to give him one when he gets older. lol

Yao Davis Family said...

I hope we're making a lot more money in ten years. Otherwise he's getting a toy motorcycle! He can ride it with me (in the back) when he comes down.