Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 24th Utah Pioneer Days

A quick post before our big Boise trip. We celebrated our 24th of July holiday by seeing Inception and going to the Ogden rodeo for the final night where they crown Ms. Rodeo Utah! Pretty exciting. I wish I could have shown you the most exciting part which was the best mullet I have seen in quite some time. I tried to get a picture, it was just too obvious.

Ogden July 24th rodeo


Nelson Family said...

Did you twist your hair behind your ears before you took this picture? I thought maybe you had a headband in or something but I couldn't detect one. Just wondering?!

Yao Davis Family said...

Um, not sure what I did to my hair-usually not anything. My hair is getting long and I think it was just tucked behind my ear. I'm sure it will look different next month when I get my hair cut.