Wednesday, February 24, 2010

10K results

No picture to post (we forgot the camera) but the 10K was last Saturday. I finished in 56 minutes, which is good for me and this course-major hills. In three more weeks I have the "10 miler" and I hope to run the course a couple times before the race. Keep on runnin'!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Winter race training series

Training season begins. Today was the first race of the season to prepare for the Ogden marathon in May. Meg and I are signed up for the half so I signed up for the local winter training race series again this year to prepare. Today was a 5K and it went well. It was an unusual warm winter morning and the course was a killer. I'm embarrassed to be posting this picture but oh well.

glad to be done, 26:50 I think was my time
Next up is a 10K in another two weeks with even more hills to train for. Better get running!

Dinner party

Yao and I hosted our dinner group last week. We attempted to do a home version of hot pot - sort of like the Asian version of fondue. It's a soup base that you boil and cook veggies and meat and dip out one at a time. It was pretty successful. We also had lettuce wraps for an appetizer and homemade coconut sorbet with mangoes for dessert.

before the guests arrive

our dinner group friends enjoying the meal

Thanks Mom

Yao holds up his udon noodle bowl Mom got as a gift for his citizenship hoopla. Thanks Mom he loves it! Sid loved the wrapping even more.

He's already had a bowl of noodles in his new bowl.

all wrapped up

Sid played in this for at least 20 minutes