Thursday, January 8, 2009

Highlights from Christmas break

Christmas 2008 was great. Yao and I stayed home which was a first I think since we've been married. Since our anniversary falls so close to Christmas and the only break I have in the year we have often gone out of town. He wanted to go to Hawaii. Hmmm, some other time I guess.
Adrienne and her family were down for the holidays. We got to see them for what felt like brief moments when you're sharing them with 7 other families. It was great to see how their little family is growing and we had tons of fun. We went to the Nutcracker in SL and Yao went to a Jazz game. Adrienne and I had our day in Park City at the outlets where we both spent a respectable amount of money. Mom sent all kinds of Chinese paraphernalia to Yao for Christmas. They will come in handy in time. Thanks everyone for a great Christmas!

Chinese culture books for little tots. Was that a hint?

Graham and Adelaide

Emilie and Adelaide. I don't like to pick favorites but she is a hoot!

Emilie, Adrienne, Adelaide, and Graham at the Nutcracker


Nelson Family said...

Cute pictures. Did you ever figure out how to add your playlist? Add a gadget and then paste that huge list of numbers and letters. We had a fun time with you guys. Adelaide and Davis are planning a Lagoon trip this summer. Check out Jeff's blog to see mom's car. Love you.

Nelson Family said...

Emilie time to update the old blog! Christmas was two months ago.

Benjamin said...

Nice picture! I like it.
It is been a long time not come here. How are you?Yaoyao and Emilie